“the frog”
An old green telephone booth has been transformed into a public recording studio. Even as an object, it is visible from afar, an auratic sculpture, a nostalgic reminder of a pre-digital era.
nostalgic reminiscence of a pre-digital era. It casually invites all those who happen to pass by and stroll by to
strollers to interrupt the flow of movement for a moment and pause. A multifaceted sound sculpture sounds from the loudspeakers in the immediate vicinity of the telephone booth at a chatting volume. Here you can “dock” for a moment, let the anticipated path be a path and enter into a new relationship of meaning with the place, the moment and the soundscape.

“the insect”
A lightweight, mobile version of the record-o-mat is suitable for shorter events on non-rainy days and indoors. With the help of a recording device, visitors record their own sound contributions at the touch of a button and feed them into the record-o-mat. The constantly changing sound sculpture can be listened directly near the installation via four loudspeakers attached to the tent structure. It invites people to enter into a direct dialogue with the existing material through spontaneous recordings.