The record-o-mat on Tour – moving between urban districts, visiting festivals, as an artistic tool in workshops… this page is used for documentation and announcements. Be curious.
If you are interested to have the record-o-mat on your festival, in your neighborhood, school or event – you´re welcome to contact us!
(sometimes the german website is more up to date)
record-o-mat on air
at TIDE Radio
every third tuesday of the month, 21 – 22 hrs.
Call live: 040 23969 776
(the number will be activated from the start of the broadcast)
to the live stream and media library here

record-o-mat on air. Actually located in a frog-green telephone booth in a public space, the record-o-mat is connected to an answering machine and becomes an interactive, playful radio format.
Call and leave your contribution to the topic on 040 23969 776. Fragmented, it becomes part of a magical sound sculpture, to be heard live. Chance decides.
ganz ohr
a sound-inspired walk from Alster to Elbe
24th and 25th June 2023
in the context of the “Symposions CROSSOVER – Improvisation & Transformation in
Art – Artistic Therapy – Society”, organised by HfMT Hamburg and MSH Hamburg

We were allowed to artistically curate the transition between the conference venues of the CROSSOVER Symposium. After the first events in the Jazzhall of the HfMT Hamburg, our sound-inspired city walk started on the Alsterwiesen and ended about 4 km further on in the Hafencity at the MSH Hamburg building. The participants were equipped with a map of the surroundings and an app that guided them along a route recommended by us. With their own smartphones, audio recordings could be made in different contexts and sent to us. How does the environment sound, where is rhythm hiding, make tunnel noises, comment on the traffic intersection, give your time and what are actually rush herbs? Location-specific play stimuli sharpened the ear and invited a creative approach to what is found. In the process, the city could be explored from completely new perspectives.
Thank you for the invitation to the symposium, the participation in the walk, the great audio submissions (over 200!) and the warm feedback.
You can listen to the composition created overnight by us and the record-o-mat from the material sent in here on SoundCloud.
record-o-mat Audiostation
Margrit Kahl – the Synagogue Monument on Bornplatz
04th – 18th June 2023
exhibition at the Forum für Künstlernachlässe (FKN)
Sootbörn 22, 22453 Hamburg
Vernissage Sonntag, 04. Juni | 11:30 Uhr
Fr + Sa 15-18.00 | So 11-17.00
und nach Vereinbarung | Eintritt frei
In the context of the underrepresented history of some historical places and in dialogue with them and the urban society, historical facts can have an effect in public space as an “acoustic stumbling block” with the help of the record-o-mat and thus provide impetus for new kinds of public discourse.
In the audio station of the record-o-mat you will hear a recording of the material collected during the symposium, 30.09.2021, “The Hamburg Synagogue Monument by Margrit Kahl – Its Artistic, Art Historical and Remembrance Cultural Significance”.
After the 2021 symposium, the exhibition and supporting programme at Künstlerhaus Sootbörn will make a further contribution to a better understanding of the impressive floor mosaic by Margrit Kahl (1942-2008). The current discussion about a possible reconstruction of the Bornplatz Synagogue is often only marginally concerned with Kahl’s synagogue monument on Joseph-Carlebach-Platz, the site of the destroyed synagogue.
Long-term installation
“reflecting ligeti”
02st – 12th May 2023
Veritaskai 1, Hamburg-Harburg
On the occasion of the opening of the ligeti centre on 03 May.
Embedded in the Ligeti Festival EINER VON UNS!, on the occasion of the 100th birthday of the composer György Ligeti.

record-o-mat Workshops
“perform voice”
08th and 15th May 2023
With students from the MSH’s “Expressive Arts in Social Transformation” degree programme with a focus on music and poetry.

Thank you very much for letting me be there, the workshops gave me a lot of joy and insights. With two different groups of students, we worked performatively and musically on the topics of voice, emotions and “sound writing”. In addition to impulse games, clown and theatre exercises, voice improvisations and individual work phases, we tested the record-o-mat together. With this chance-based sampling software, we created harmonic sound fields and experimental narratives, generated generative progressions from “tired” to “awake” and elaborated texts and words according to certain parameters. These workshops are about performing with your own voice, be it melodic, noisy or narrative. The record-o-mat is understood as an instrument. The format is very suitable for working out an experimental, performative stage format in cooperation with musicians.
a musicperformance
05th May 2023
Premiere by the newly founded music duo “Fragment”. Based on the generative sampler, the record-o-mat, Fragment uses advanced programming and presents a music performance of about 40 minutes.

Organic, linguistic and synthetic sounds are seamlessly combined to create soundscapes and narratives that evolve in real time. The performance is an ever-changing auditory journey that invites the audience to lose themselves in the sonic experience.
Arjun Jamil: Sythesizer and sampler
Joana Naomi Welteke: voice, generative sampler (record-o-mat)
record-o-mat Workshop
at the island circus Willibald and the Willibande
20th and 21th february 2023 || internal
in the context of the “Kennenlerntage” at the Bürgerhaus
Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg with all circus groups of the Zirkusschule Willibald.

The big anniversary show is coming up, all the children who will create the circus performance together with their acts meet for the first time at the “getting-to-know-you day” at the Bürgerhaus Wilhelmsburg. One station they go through is the record-o-mat, because audio recordings are to be made for the performance. What do the different creatures sound like that the clowns encounter on their search for Willibald? What are their names? And what actually is circus and what do you like best about it? These were a few of the questions that we answered sonically together with the children. The audio recordings were composed part of the performances on 26 and 27 June 2023 at the Bürgerhaus Wilhelmsburg.
record-o-mat Workshop
at the Bücherhallen Hamburg
09th december 2022 || internal
Impulsworkshop within the project “Suburbian Soundsystem” in cooperation with Catharina Boutari, the Kulturagent*innen Hamburg, Michael Schugardt from Bücherhallen Hamburg and the middle school choir of the Stadtteilschule Süderelbe.

What does an imaginary ball sound like when we throw it to each other? What does the record-o-mat make of the sounds? What belongs to the soundscape of an open-air swimming pool or what does it sound like at break time in a school? How does the sound material change in the record-o-mat? How do we build a song, a radio play, how can we use chance? In this workshop we experimented artistically with the record-o-mat and discovered new sensory contexts. For the first time we worked with stereo and 3D audio effects, sitting in the middle of the four speakers.
record-o-mat at the Mixtur Festival in Barcelona
06. – 09. Oct. 2022
Mixtur Festival, new sound creation festival in Barcelona,
Fabra i Coats – Fàbrica de Creació, Carrer Sant Adrià, 20 (Sant Andreu), 08030 – Barcelona

We have rented a Spanish phone box, combined with our wooden soundboxes the record-o-mat was built 🙂
We are very happy to be invited to the international New Music Festival. After two years of waiting, we were finally going to Barcelona.

Many thanks to Jorge da Rocha, Catharina Boutari and Élénie Wagner for the spontaneous “record-o-mat Jam”! Many thanks to all participating people on site and especially to the Mixtur Festival team, we felt very appreciated, cared for and free at the same time!
record-o-mat at the museum
“Pop up City: Children’s Rights”
28. Sep. – 01. Oct. 2022
at the Museum für Arbeit, Wiesendamm 3, Hamburg-Barmbek.
As part of the installation “Pop Up City: Children’s Rights”.
in cooperation with the association KinderKinder.
Wednesday 28.9. to Friday 30.9. mainly for schools, Sat 1.10. for families.
More information and links to the online ticket shop from 31.8. here.
Children and reduced €7, adults €9, school classes €3.

record-o-mat Workshops
on the topic of children’s rights
16. September || internal
28. / 29. Sep. 2022 || public
in cooperation with the association KinderKinder.
On 16 September, we organised a project day at the school An der Burgweide
in Kirchdorf-Süd, Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg.

On 28 and 29 September we will offer workshops in the morning, especially for school classes. These will take place at the Museum für Arbeit, Wiesendamm 3, Hamburg-Barmbek, as part of the installation “Pop Up City: Children’s Rights”. More information here.
record-o-mat meets
Zentrum für Zukunft
“who owns the city?”
12. – 27. Sep. 2022 || open to the public
daily from 9 a.m. – 10 p.m.
on the ground floor of Artstadt, the old Karstadt-Sports building
at Mönckebergstraße 2-4, Hamburg.
in cooperation with the initiative Zentrum für Zukunft.

record-o-mat in the museum
Deutsches Museum für schwarze
Unterhaltung und Black Music
16. – 28. Aug. 2022 || 14 – 21 Uhr
at Artstadt, the old Karstadt-Sports building at Mönckebergstraße 2-4, Hamburg.
in cooperation with DMSUBM x FORMATION NOW**.
as part of Kampnagel’s international summer festival 2022
8 euros (50% reduced with Kampnagel festival ticket)

Long-term installation
14. June – 14. July 2022
at “PARKS”
Bullerdeich 6, 20537 Hamburg
open between 11:00 – 22:00 Uhr

First transformation – two windows are broken. For the time being, the installation is shut down, but we will try to get it up and running again soon.

record-o-mat Workshop
“performative Rally in HafenCity and Oberhafen”
03. July 2022 || intern
in cooperation with Thalia jung&mehr Hamburg, as part of European youth exchange “YOU PERFORM”:
50 young people from four countries France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands.

Today, for once, only clamped onto the bicycle… the record-o-mat came in its smallest form and formed the finale of our performative rally through HafenCity and the Oberhafen in Hamburg. Performative as well as discursive tasks were located along the way, offering the approx. 50 young performers different perspectives on the district. Impressions of the path, as well as of the shared time of international exchange, were fed into the record-o-mat at the end point in the rooms of the Lukulule and made audible in the room.
Here is a short recording:
record-o-mat on stage
12. Juni 2022 || 17-18 Uhr
as part of the music festival 48h Wilhelmsburg
Stübenplatz in 21107 Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg

Embedded in the neighbourhood music festival 48h Wilhelmsburg, the record-o-mat will stand for one day on the market square of the Reiherstiegviertel – the Stübenplatz. Visitors and passers-by can listen to the changing sound collage at any time and make their own sound recordings.
From 5 pm, the musicians Mounir Brinsi and Dorothea Koch will enter into a playful and musical dialogue with the record-o-mat. Visitors to the concert performance can interact live and become part of the concert experience through their own contribution, fundamentally controlling thematic content. Speech fragments, synthesizer, loop station, vocal performance – the interpretation is extemporaneous and situational. The concert format questions the meaning of stage and performance in an unconventional way.
record-o-mat Workshop
10. Juni 2022 || intern
als Teil des OHStivals der Otto-Hahn-Schule Jenfeld

record-o-mat Workshop
“Ich und Ort und Esperanto 2.0”
01. Juni 2022 || intern
dock europe e.V. Netzwerkwerktreffen PASSAGE 2022
That was a great day at the German-French network meeting Passage! on the grounds of fux and on the paths in Hamburg-Altona. Thank you very much for this wonderful experience.

Long-term installation
“What makes you unique?”
17. Nov – 17. Dec 2021
open to the public around the clock
on the outdoor grounds of HAW Hamburg
Finkenau 35, 22081 Hamburg

The installation is supported with funds Equality / Diversity
of the Faculty DMI of HAW Hamburg. Many thanks.
The Hamburg Synagogue Monument by Margrit Kahl – Its Artistic, Art Historical and Remembrance Cultural Significance
the record-o-mat as artistic accompaniment to the event
in the exhibition space of the Hamburg State and University Library
30.09.2021 II 14:30 – 20:30 Uhr

Foto: Kurt W. Hamann
Flyer Symposium Download
to the live stream of the symposium here
organised by Forum für Künsternachlässe
In the context of the underrepresented history of some historical places and in dialogue with them and the urban society, historical facts can have an effect in the public space as an “acoustic stumbling block” with the help of the record-o-mat and thus provide impetus for new kinds of public discourse. We are planning to place the record-o-mat on Joseph-Carlebach-Platz. The material collected at the symposium will be available in this set-up as a basic composition and invite the public to engage in dialogue.
record-o-mat as a digital guest book
as part of Grenzgängerger Festival Live und Digital.
Thalia jung&mehr Hamburg
18.06. – 26.06.2021
Forgotten your pen? The guest book is once again not where it should be?
Long queue at the book and everyone is taking so long?
No problem – this is the way. The record-omat becomes a digital guestbook for border crossers! Actually located in a frog-green telephone booth in a public space, the record-o-mat is connected to an answering machine and streaming software and becomes a digital guestbook for the festival. Share your impressions.
Enthusiasm, amazement, applause, booing, what really moves you with the impressions, enthusiasm, amazement… of everyone else and leave them as a message on our answering machine. The record-omat takes a fragment of each new incoming contribution on a random basis programmed by us and inserts it into the wonderful composition of the previous guestbook snippets. This magical sound sculpture is constantly changing and reshaping itself, and can be heard live.
Call and leave your impression of the festival at 040.32814-709
18.06. – 26.06.2021, daily 17 – 22 o’clock
Above you can hear the guestbook filled over nine days.
record-o-mat is FLEX-o-mat
as part of FLEX Festivals für junges Theater Hamburg
on the Kampnagel site
08.06 – 20.06.2021

The FLEX-o-mat: A performative sound installation that plays back language modules from the festival workshops and in which you can participate – simply speak your favourite sentences from your production to your heart’s content and your voice will resound out into the world again and again and take shape artfully in combination with other sentences.
Texturen der Freiheit
in Kooperation with Thalia Theater Hamburg
as part of Lessingtage Thalia jung&mehr
installation start: expected in June 2021
What is freedom?
What is freedom for you? What do you want freedom for and for whom?
For what should freedom be restricted?
Director Kerstin Steeb is conducting the Thalia jung&mehr research project “Textures of Freedom” in schools for “Lessingtage 2021 digital – Stories from Europe”. With her support, courses from five different schools in Hamburg have approached the term “freedom” in an exploratory way and developed individual statements on it. With the help of the record-o-mat, installed in a telephone booth, the statements are recorded, mixed with other fragments of previous recordings and thus artistically collaged and called out into the public – as textures of freedom.
audio samples:
Texturen der Freiheit: das Labyrinth
Texturen der Freiheit: no freedom ’til
Press release:
Klang-Collage zum Thema Freiheit
26. Februar 2021
Elbe Wochenblatt
Kerstin Steeb (Projektleitung)
Nadja Rix & Joana Naomi Welteke (record-o-mat)
Herbert Enge (Projektidee und Beratung, Thalia jung&mehr)
Schüler:innen und Lehrer:innen hamburischer Schulen
18. und 19. September 2020
in August-Lütgens-Park Hamburg-Altona
as part of a park installation of OAKLEAF Streetshow
Poles, tarp, wooden speakers and the rec control panel, plus the laptop tucked under your arm…. This is our mobile record-o-mat, which we affectionately call “the insect”. On September 18 and 19, 2020, it celebrated its public premiere at August-Lütgens-Park in Hamburg-Altona, embedded in a luminous park installation on the occasion of OAKLEAF Streetshow’s 10th anniversary. Congratulations and thank you for the support and invitation!
Wie klingt ein imaginärer Ball, wenn wir ihn uns zuwerfen. Was macht der record-o-mat aus den Sounds? Was gehört zu der Soundscape eines Freibads oder wie klingt es in der Pause in einer Schule? Wie verändert sich das Soundmaterial in dem record-o-mat? Wie bauen wir einen Song auf, wie ein Hörspiel, wie können wir den Zufall nutzen?
In diesem Workshop haben wir künstlerisch mit dem record-o-mat experimentiert und neue Sinneszusammenhänge entdeckt. Das erste Mal arbeiteten wir mit Stereo- und 3D Audio Effekten, dabei saßen wir inmitten der vier Lautsprecher.
Wie klingt ein imaginärer Ball, wenn wir ihn uns zuwerfen. Was macht der record-o-mat aus den Sounds? Was gehört zu der Soundscape eines Freibads oder wie klingt es in der Pause in einer Schule? Wie verändert sich das Soundmaterial in dem record-o-mat? Wie bauen wir einen Song auf, wie ein Hörspiel, wie können wir den Zufall nutzen?
In diesem Workshop haben wir künstlerisch mit dem record-o-mat experimentiert und neue Sinneszusammenhänge entdeckt. Das erste Mal arbeiteten wir mit Stereo- und 3D Audio Effekten, dabei saßen wir inmitten der vier Lautsprecher.
Wie klingt ein imaginärer Ball, wenn wir ihn uns zuwerfen. Was macht der record-o-mat aus den Sounds? Was gehört zu der Soundscape eines Freibads oder wie klingt es in der Pause in einer Schule? Wie verändert sich das Soundmaterial in dem record-o-mat? Wie bauen wir einen Song auf, wie ein Hörspiel, wie können wir den Zufall nutzen?
In diesem Workshop haben wir künstlerisch mit dem record-o-mat experimentiert und neue Sinneszusammenhänge entdeckt. Das erste Mal arbeiteten wir mit Stereo- und 3D Audio Effekten, dabei saßen wir inmitten der vier Lautsprecher.
Wie klingt ein imaginärer Ball, wenn wir ihn uns zuwerfen. Was macht der record-o-mat aus den Sounds? Was gehört zu der Soundscape eines Freibads oder wie klingt es in der Pause in einer Schule? Wie verändert sich das Soundmaterial in dem record-o-mat? Wie bauen wir einen Song auf, wie ein Hörspiel, wie können wir den Zufall nutzen?
In diesem Workshop haben wir künstlerisch mit dem record-o-mat experimentiert und neue Sinneszusammenhänge entdeckt. Das erste Mal arbeiteten wir mit Stereo- und 3D Audio Effekten, dabei saßen wir inmitten der vier Lautsprecher.
Wie klingt ein imaginärer Ball, wenn wir ihn uns zuwerfen. Was macht der record-o-mat aus den Sounds? Was gehört zu der Soundscape eines Freibads oder wie klingt es in der Pause in einer Schule? Wie verändert sich das Soundmaterial in dem record-o-mat? Wie bauen wir einen Song auf, wie ein Hörspiel, wie können wir den Zufall nutzen?
In diesem Workshop haben wir künstlerisch mit dem record-o-mat experimentiert und neue Sinneszusammenhänge entdeckt. Das erste Mal arbeiteten wir mit Stereo- und 3D Audio Effekten, dabei saßen wir inmitten der vier Lautsprecher.
Wie klingt ein imaginärer Ball, wenn wir ihn uns zuwerfen. Was macht der record-o-mat aus den Sounds? Was gehört zu der Soundscape eines Freibads oder wie klingt es in der Pause in einer Schule? Wie verändert sich das Soundmaterial in dem record-o-mat? Wie bauen wir einen Song auf, wie ein Hörspiel, wie können wir den Zufall nutzen?
In diesem Workshop haben wir künstlerisch mit dem record-o-mat experimentiert und neue Sinneszusammenhänge entdeckt. Das erste Mal arbeiteten wir mit Stereo- und 3D Audio Effekten, dabei saßen wir inmitten der vier Lautsprecher.
Wie klingt ein imaginärer Ball, wenn wir ihn uns zuwerfen. Was macht der record-o-mat aus den Sounds? Was gehört zu der Soundscape eines Freibads oder wie klingt es in der Pause in einer Schule? Wie verändert sich das Soundmaterial in dem record-o-mat? Wie bauen wir einen Song auf, wie ein Hörspiel, wie können wir den Zufall nutzen?
In diesem Workshop haben wir künstlerisch mit dem record-o-mat experimentiert und neue Sinneszusammenhänge entdeckt. Das erste Mal arbeiteten wir mit Stereo- und 3D Audio Effekten, dabei saßen wir inmitten der vier Lautsprecher.
Organische, sprachliche und synthetische Klänge werden nahtlos miteinander verbunden und erschaffen Klanglandschaften und Narrationen, die sich in Echtzeit entwickeln. Die Performance ist eine sich ständig verändernde auditive Reise, die die Zuhörer*innen dazu einlädt, sich in dem Klangerlebnis zu verlieren.
Arjun Jamil: Sythesizer und Sampler
Joana Naomi Welteke: Stimme, generativer Sampler (record-o-mat)